Podcaster, Author, Professor: I’m a Fan of Scott Galloway

I found a new Podcast I like (actually, love). Which became an author I love. And I’m ready to tell the world. Found out about this guy about a month ago, but he’s got strong opinions and before I started Liking, Following, and Sharing, I had to be sure my fandom wasn’t going to lump me in with some cult-like following and worldview.

It’s Scott Galloway, his Podcast is the Prof G Podcast, and his most recent book is The Algebra of HappinessGreat book if you’re like me and you’re in your 50s. I might’ve even liked this book in my early 40s. He definitely captures the I’m-50-and- what-was-important to-me 20-years-ago isn’t-so-important-now vibe.

Scott speaks with authority. He’s unabashed in his opinions and fully acknowledges he may be wrong and he may also, at some future date, change his mind.

Please. Check out the Prof G Podcast wherever you listen to Podcasts and start with his “No Mercy/No Malice” episodes to get a feel for his message.

What punches me in the face is the interview below and his credo . . .

“…don’t follow your passion …follow your talent.”

Yes! Well said. Watch the video below and read the book. Then read it again like I did (read it twice and took two pages of notes). I predict it will be a book I gift to people whom I think need a page-turning hug.

Follow your talent.

If I followed my passion, I’d be a struggling stand-up comedian, I’d be working in lawn care, I’d have a Blog about walking, and I think I’d be making single cups of coffee, black coffee, because I’m passionate about a great cuppa coffee.

My talents, on the other hand, are different. I think my talent involves my creativity, my curiosity (if that’s a talent), and fearlessness bordering on arrogance with the right amount of humility and humbleness (see “curiosity”) baked in. The older I get the less I believe I know and the more I want to learn more and get closer to knowing everything (I swear I knew everything when I was 19). People actually pay me and give me their money to come up with ideas for ads, for ad campaigns, and try new things because I’ve worked hard to learn and figure things out.

Talent? It’s become a passion.

I’m going to tell my kids and young people I meet …follow your talent.

Because everyone has a unique talent.

Scott says it better . . . watch here.

scott g

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